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Micheli Schuves Soares

Remedial Massage

Micheli has worked in the health sector for over ten years, she has a background in Exercise Physiology and Pilates. She has always been passionate about improving the quality of life for her clients.

Micheli completed her Diploma of Remedial Massage in early 2020 and has since gained a great deal of experience in all areas of massage therapy including but not limited to: remedial, sports, deep tissue, pregnancy and lymphatic. She is also a qualified Pilates instructor with over 5 years of experience in Brazil and Australia.

She is passionate and enthusiastic to treat each of her clients individually and to provide them the best care they need. She is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their goals and feels a tremendous amount of satisfaction when they do.

Micheli is a Member of the Australian Natural Therapists Association

Micheli`s Qualifications

Bachelor Degree Exercise Physiology (UTFPR -Brazil)

Certificate in Pilates (Mat and Equipment – Brazil)

Diploma of Remedial Massage (Academique College, Gold Coast- Australia)