Qualifications: Doctor of Physiotherapy & Bachelor of Sports and Exercise Science
Where did you obtain your degree? Bond University, Southern Cross University (Gold Coast)
Area of Specialty: Generalist (special interest in musculoskeletal and vestibular physiotherapy)
What do you do for fun? Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Fishing, Family
Something that most people don’t know about you (but do now!): Jesse won his weight class for Queensland in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!
And just for fun….
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Dogs or cats? Cats and Dogs, Elephants and Chickens….. Animals in general.
If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why? Wouldn’t it be a-maize-ing! If I had bean a beetroot, I would be un-beet-able. Because you can’t beat a root!